Tijuana Mama registered and certified Rocky Mountain mare EWH GUARANTEE
Wildwoods Tijuana Mama is 6 years old she was born 6/14/18, she is registered and certified with fresh new coggins and vet exam. Tijuana has been with me for a couple years and a very fun little mare with a heart of Steele, she is a blast to ride on the trails, she just left East fork in Jamestown for a week of camping and trail riding, she is ready to ride anytime you are, she is easy to ride but I would recommend an advanced beginner rider simply because she isn’t a dead head and likes to set up and ride, no buck nor rare, she just sets up to ride, she is bred really good as well, Tijuana is easy for the farrier, bath, tie, goes where you as her to with a heart to please. Tijuana runs out with other horses in the pasture great and not pushy, she loads, unloads, and trailers great.