EWH Trail Horse Terms & Conditions
- We are not allowed to do auctions, so we are always looking for the Best Offer. Whoever has the Best Offer when the time is up, has the first opportunity to buy the item.
- All items have a reserve. If an item does not bring the reserve price, the person with the Best Offer will have the first opportunity to meet the reserve.
- All reserves are private.
- All items are evaluated by Emerson Willimas Horsemanship and staff to the best of their professional knowledge and experience.
- Only items marked as having the EWH GUARANTEE fall under the written notice listed below. So do your homework and check out the item for yourself or if you want to hire a vet, at your cost, you are welcome to do so.
- If an animal is found to be unsound before it leaves Emerson Williams Horsemanship property, the deposit will be refunded 100%.
- A 15% deposit is due within 2 hours of the offer end time. We accept PayPal friends and family (if sent for goods and services it will be sent back minus the fee it charges) , Venmo (if sent for goods and services it will be sent back minus the fee it charges) Cash App, Zelle, and many others for your convenience.
- You’ll have 3 business days to complete your purchase (bank wire or cash) or you’ll lose your deposit and we’ll resell the horse.
- If a late offer comes within 3 minutes of the offer end time, the offer end time will be extended 3 additional minutes for each late offer placed. The 3 minute timer resets each time a late offer is put in.
- Deposits are non-refundable unless the animal is found to be unsound by a vet prior to leaving Emerson Williams Horsemanship property.
- You have 3 business days to come and try the horse/item out and if you do not like what you see when you get here, within that time frame, you do not have to pay for the item, but you will lose your deposit.
- If the item is not purchased, we will relist it. If it sells for the amount you agreed to, or higher, your deposit will then be refunded to you at that time.
- All horses will come with a negative coggins. This coggins can be received via email or text (digital only). We will not be able to provide a hard copy, but this should be enough to be able to use anywhere.
- If you are having your horse shipped, you will be responsible for a health paper. If this is needed, you will be responsible for getting this, as the new one will need to have the new owners information on it.
- We are located in Hillsboro, KY 41049.
- We can assist with arranging shipping from Hillsboro, KY. Please contact us for a quote or visit the Transport page.
- Registered horses–it is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure all paperwork is signed and matches the horse prior to purchase. There are a ton of registries out there and EWH simply cannot know all the rules and requirements needed for each.
From this day forward, February 9, 2022, select horses purchased via Best Offer will have a 14 Day, 75% Satisfaction Guarantee! This is just for the purchase price and begins on the purchase date. If you choose to use the EWH GUARANTEE, the horse MUST be returned to me within the 14 day period. I sell a lot of consignment horses and CANNOT guarantee them, but all my personal ones, I will. If a horse is guaranteed it will be marked as EWH GUARANTEE. Some consignment horses may be guaranteed as well, but I’ll leave that up to the consigner.
If a horse does return using the EWH guarantee, I have the option for a vet exam prior to buying the horse back as you do prior to purchasing the Horse. The horse needs to be in the same shape as it left here. If the horse is not in the same health or better, the EWH guarantee is void.